About Page Fire Department
The Page Fire Department is an all hazards, combination Fire/EMS department providing services 365 days per year 24 hours per day. Three shifts are on duty working a 48 / 96-hour schedule. These crews are cross trained to provide fire, emergency medical services, vehicle extrication, hazmat, search and rescue, canyon rescues, waterway fire/rescue and assistance of varying degrees to the citizens of Page and our surrounding communities. PFD provides excellent emergency medical and fire services within the boundaries of the City of Page along with up to 50 miles of highway in each direction. In 2020 we responded to 3,040 calls for service; 21.05% being overlapping calls, 47.63% of these services were emergency medical calls, and 40 actual fire calls logged. Our average emergency response time was 5:18 minutes.
PFD is charged with being a first responder to many major local infrastructures such as the Glen Canyon Dam and Navajo Generating Station. Both entities help form our cities existence and are therefore high priority in emergent situations. Our mutual aid agreements established with the National Park Service, the Bureau of Reclamation and Navajo Generating Station compel our crews to provide assistance at these high hazard entities. PFD also has a good working relationship with local law enforcement, other fire departments and the two air ambulance services – Classic Lifeguard and Guardian Air.
Firefighters are also trained in Aircraft Rescue Firefighting as mandated by the FAA for the Page Airport. Additionally, prevention activities include fire inspections and preplans for local businesses and new commercial construction, fire hydrant testing and haz-mat inspections. Finally, the department is actively engaged in the community. During the year 2018 PFD hosted 600+ school children during tours of the fire department; many now aspire to become a fireman! PFD also participates in several local functions such as the Annual Easter Egg Hunt, Police National Night Out, Page Public Library’s Trunk-Or-Treat, Shop with a Cop/Firemen, our PFD Open Houses, school functions, health fairs and we provided many educational presentations to groups.